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2012 December CDS Membership Meeting Minutes 

Cascade Drift Skippers Snowmobile Club 

CDS Minutes: Wednesday, 12/12/2012 

Held at 6:00pm at the Issaquah Elks, 765,

 Issaquah, WA 

Membership & Budget Meeting 


Board Members present: 

President:Tim Horton 

Vice President:Brian Cook 

Treasurer:Trina Martin 

Secretary:Sheri Hyytinen 

Meeting called to order by President, Tim Horton 


Vice President Brian Cook introduced our Visitors: 

A Big Welcome to Jason Holmes who just bought a New Skidoo says he is new to the sport but is a motorcycle rider. He apparently got hooked on sledding when he went to visit an Aunt who apparently needed some help involving a bear and her cabin.  She had some sleds one which happened to be a 2007 Skidoo which had been sitting for awhile so he had to put a few 30 miles on it and in the interim ended up getting hooked on the sport! Lucky for us he found us on the internet and decided to visit. He is excited to get out on the snow ASAP. So much so he will be joining us at the Christmas tree ride this week-end &hopefully end up joining our club!


Tim Horton

-Announced that Gary Harris is having some heart problems & to keep him in our prayers for a speedy recovery. Shirley mentioned that Sue Hunsaker & Linda Bowen have been in surgery recently and include them in prayers for a quick recovery.


-Bill Yager brought his straps and asked that if anyone is out sledding and gets a chance to use them if they would take some pictures for him for selling points.


Past President Pete had nothing to report on.


Brian Cook had no new members to report but he is working with our new Committees:

-Expo Committee

-Wounded Warrior Committee-Shane & Darrell attended the Board meeting and brought quite a bit of information with them. More later.

-No Volunteers for the “Spring Banquet” yet.


Trina Martin gave the Treasurer’s Report reported that we received $240.00 dues, $80.00 from the 50/50, $100.00 donation from Kenny VanAssche, & $75 donation from Kevin Merrell. $1000.00 paid out to Tim Penelerick for Boulder Creek Grooming which Kay Lloyd will work with Trina to have paid out to WSSA, they will match it and send it onto State Parks to be used during the snowmobile season. Trina also announced that CDS received an additional $100.00 from a dealer due to a promotion from Kelly Hayes buying a NEW 2013 Skidoo! Thank you again to Kurt Zeutschel for bringing in some fresh Tuna to sell.  All of those proceeds went to CDS.


Sheri Hyytinen reported that the minutes are posted on the website.


Tim Horton announced that there are any rides planned during the year to please post them on Facebook for anyone who is interested in going.


Reminder: Anyone going to The WSSA WINTER Rendezvous 2/15-2/18/2013 that a Discover Pass will be needed. Andrea Steinman added that there appears to be only one ride listed where the Discover Pass would be needed.


New Events:

12/15/2012         -       

Christmas Tree Ride & CDS Party


8:00am      Meet for Breakfast at the Last Resort

9:00-9:30  Leave from Last Resort for either Cooper or Salmon La Sac for different levels of rides. Leaders should target time to be back by 4:30ish.


5:00pm     Meet at Last Resort for the Christmas Party.

Bring a $20.00 gift for the Gift Exchange.  Cost per person $16.99+tax/gratuity. No host bar.

Reservations have been made already.

1/1/2012              Sno-Jammers Fun Run in Wenatchee

1/5/2013              SnowmobileProgram Funding 101 Flyers explaining the importance of Registering your sledsto be handed out by CDS volunteers at Gold Creek & Price Creek Westboundbetween 7:00-9:00am. Lee is in charge & will lead ride after.

 1/26/2012           Whistling Jack Ride
 1/12-1/19/13        Jon Ferrian Island Park Idaho Trip
 1/19-1/26/2012   Whistler rides w/ Mick Steinman 
 1/29/2013             All Trails to Olympia Day
 2/2/2013                 Rotary Club of Kittitas County Fun Run at the Last Resort

 2/14-2/24/2013   WSSA Convention, Sumpter, Cornucopia Trip 

 3/2-3/3/2013       Wounded Warrior Ride 


KayLloyd Report on the Kittitas Grooming Council Meeting:

Weare Honored to have Kevin Merrell at our Meeting.

-Kevin Merrell is running for District 5 North Rep Elections on 1/14/2013.

-Table Mountain explosion, Plume of explosion was 44,000 feet and it was so disruptive, it caused air flight courses to be changed. Possible building of a new Warming Hut is being discussed. Many warning signs have been posted but not in all the dangerous areas.  Because of tree root fires there are many burned out areas to watch for that are not marked. Warnings will be posted for the next 3-4 years for falling trees or branches and 10 years for reasonable recovery. Maps of warning areas can be found in the “12/11/12 Kittitas Grooming Council Meeting Minutes”.  They will be posted on the CDS Website under“Club News”.


WSSA Safety Commissioner Mick Steinman Report:


Thanked Kay Lloyd for her report of Table Mountain warnings because it made his report shorter. He added that everyone should have their sleds tuned up, check your plugs, safety gear, and check your batteries in your avalanche beacons.


I-90 Avalanche course had 10 CDS club members present. Their series is done but if anyone is interested in doing a Safety Ride in the future just let him know and he can arrange with BCA.


Mick will be in Whistler 1/19-1/26/2013 if anyone is interested in going let him know. 

WSSA Representative Dick Elkins


Our New DNR Commissioner Peter Goldmark and he is interested in knowing what is the popular Recreation Sport in Washington State. 


He is involved with The Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office in hosting a series of online public meetings to get peoples thoughts about the “Future of Outdoor Recreation in Washington State”. The online forum will gather public input about the demand for outdoor sports.


All you have to do is go to: can to there NOW and just put in one line, “I want More Snowmobile Trails, Grooming, & Places to Ride!”.  You can add any other comments you think are relevant but DO SEND SOMETHING TO MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD. THE DUE DATE IS JANUARY not sure what date. I just posted a comment right now & it took 5 minutes maybe.


New Business:


Upcoming Elections of Board members:

Tim Horton reminded everyone to think about Upcoming Board Members that will be needed. It’s a full election for President, Vice President, Treasurer, &Secretary.


Potential New Location for CDSMeetings:

-The Board is researching possibility of a New Location for the CDS Meetings. We should have some suggestions by January to vote on.



-Shirley suggested we get booth space suggestion to Wayne Mohler earlier to get a better spot.

-Kay reminded us that Tim Penelerick offered CDS a spot in their booth. Also, have volunteers pass out CDS flyers to more people by walking around with clipboards and maybe have t-shirts as identifiers.

-Brian liked the idea of having Maps showing our ride areas.

-Fred offered that buying a bigger booth might not be very cost effective.

-Lee suggested that a corner booth has more exposure.


Reminder:Expo Committee Members are:

Gary Harris

Dick Elkins

Mick Steinman

Lee& Shirley Koger

Brian Cook

Committee members are encouraged to attend Board Meetings and bring suggestions &ideas.


Wounded Warrior Ride 3/2/2012-

Tim reported that the Elks will be planning a nice dinner for the WW’s even though they lost their $1,000.00 grant.

Shane has organized- Food donors & possible cook

                                      Possible t-shirts for WW’s


Jason Holmes asked if the WW’s are coming from the Seattle Chapter. Shane said so far they are coming from the Warrior Transition Battalion but open to information. Jason to call Shane.



General Member Concerns:

Kay Lloyd asked commented that Boeing had a cabin that burned down and there may be a possibility of creating a partnership to rebuild cabin and share as warming hut.


Fred Wemer asked if anyone is interested in a Mineral Springs Ride from S. Cle Elum High School to Mineral Springs. The ride would be approximately 65 miles sometime after1/6/2013.  Got approx. 7 people who wereinterested.


50/50 Raffle

Mike Collins collected $120.00 and Kelly Hayes won again. His winnings $60.00.