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2012 November CDS Membership Meeting Minutes 

Cascade Drift Skippers Snowmobile Club 

CDS Minutes: Wednesday, 11/14/2012 

Held at 6:00pm at the Issaquah Elks, 765,

 Issaquah, WA 

Membership & Budget Meeting 


Board Members present: 

President:         Tim Horton 

Vice President: Brian Cook 

Treasurer:         Trina Martin 

Secretary:         Sheri Hyytinen 

Meeting called to order by President, Tim Horton 


Vice President Brian Cook introduced our new members: 

A Big Welcome to: 


Edythe Ferrian who attended her first meeting introduced by our New Webmaster Jon Ferrian. They have just finished unpacking from their move from Minnesota. Jon will be picking up Edythe’s new Skidoo in Idaho on a ride in January! Hopefully we will see them soon on a club ride with their children.  

Carl Corn & Cheryl O’Shaughnessy live in Auburn. Carl rides a Polaris & Cheryl rides Skidoo. Thank you BobPosey for signing them up at the Expo.  

Jim & Kim Wilson live in Renton and also ride Skidoo’s. Jim is interested in getting involved with Search & Rescue. 

Welcoming Glenn Markovitz’s friend Renee who is visiting today and hope to see at more of our meetings! 


Thank you to ALL our New Members & Visitors! 



Past President Pete Beaupain took this opportunity to ask for a raise of hands for those willing to lead rides in the future. So far, the list of volunteers are tentatively as follows: 


John Budig – Priest Lake TBA 

Lee Koger, Ken Bowen, Mark Berg,Glenn Markovitz, Bill Yager, Bill Johnson, Elwood Hunt, Mick Steinman, Kenny VanAssche, and more… 


Pete passed around a sign up sheet and encouraged anyone who is interested to let him know when& where and we will post rides to the website. 


Brian Cook reported on membership. Currently there are 72paid members. 


Trina Martin gave the Treasurer’s Report with her usual Wonderful energy. She also reported that we have completely moved our account to BECU to save fees. 


Sheri Hyytinen reported that the minutes are posted on the website and if there are any suggestions or corrections to please feel free to contact. 


Past Events: 


2012 WSSA Expo reported on by Dick Elkins & Kay Lloyd.  We had 8108 Attendees which is up 67% from last year. Jon Ferrian offered information about the Minnesota“Hay Day” where they have 55,000 Attendees. Suggested we check out their website for ideas to increase attendance at the EXPO. See website pretty exciting they are already soliciting for 2013 . 


Shirley Koger Extended a Very Big THANK YOU! ALL those who Volunteered at EXPO.  We raised $1654 which is down from last year. She also reported that WSSA said that CDS club brings in the largest group of volunteers among all the clubs that help out. She also mentioned that if we have a booth preference it needs to be proposed to Wayne very soon 


Dick Elkins & Brian Cook addressed Carol Scharf’s concerns and others about receiving WSSA late notices after paying her membership dues 2yrsin a row. They will be looking into this with WSSA. 


Kay Lloyd introduced Kevin Merrell, Chairman of the Kittitas Grooming Council as one of our New Members,too! Kevin made a generous donation to the club and announced it was his way of helping out due to his pressing duties that keep him from any other participation.  


Brian Cook requested club members to think about creating an EXPO 2013 Committee early to attend upcoming Board meetings to organize the What, When &Where issues earlier.  Discussed possible having tee shirts for volunteers or patches. 


Tim Penelerick offered space in his booth at Expo next year to CDS to promote the club. 


Tim Horton reported thatthe After Party on Saturday night at the Mexican restaurant was a lot of fun and even though we were a little unorganized it turned out Great! 


Glenn Markovitz reported on Clem’s Open House. Carl Corn said he went and commented that Saturday’s are usually the best day to go. 


Kay Lloyd brought American Council of Snowmobile Associations, ACSA brochures for anyone interested in signing up. ACSA is a important organization that coordinates communication between consumers and manufacturers, provides education to increase public awareness and legislatures among quite a few other important services and benefits to help keep our sport successful. They are our voice across America. Kay also brought the Pink 101 Flyers and Brian Cook brought copies of the Snowmobile Account Update Revenues & Expenditures Chart to pass around.  


Tim Horton shared the following suggestions: 

-Regarding the Spokane Snow Show: Tim said that this year it was bigger and had some great shows. He also said that they are working on building a Swap Meet area for next year.There was 2”of snow on the ground.  


-Expo idea: We will have Bill Yager have a space in the CDS booth at Expo next year to sell his straps for safety reasons, bring interest, and be able to have someone in the booth at all times.  


-Change of Venue for meetings: Tim & Brian are looking around for possible new venues reviewing price, meals & cost of meeting room if any.  


Brian & Bill Yager added that Crystal Springs & Reload Overnight Campaign has been approved and covered fire pits are allowed. 12/1/12 gates should be open.


Tim Horton presented $1,000.00 check back to Tim Penelerick again to use on any Boulder Creek grooming needs.  





Upcoming Events: 

12/12/2012         CDS Meeting 

12/15/2012         CDS Christmas Tree Ride & Christmas Party at the Last Resort. $15-$20 gift Exchange limit 

1/26/2012           Whistling Jack Ride 

1/17-1/25/2012   Whistler rides w/ Mick Steinman 

3/14-3/24/2012   WSSA Convention, Sumpter, Cornucopia Trip 

3/2-3/3/2012       Wounded Warrior Ride 


Presentation:  Expo video


Grooming Report – Kay Lloyd: 

We are honored to have Kevin Merrell the Kittitas Grooming Council Chair present at our meeting again.Tim Penelerick was also present stating that there is logging going on above the Last Resort. 2-3 miles have been cleared but they are waiting to see how the land will settle. The gates at Plum Creek have been recycled and cleared.  He mentioned that the developer is still working on the snow park in the Woods/Steel area but due to the fire hydrants and the way the road turns around the culdesac left a 6’ incline 30’ grade as a result.  


Kay also mentioned anyone interested in SARS (Search& Rescue) Orientation & Training  for volunteers for Horseman, Canine, Back country skiers, Snowmobilers should contact Kay Lloyd or Kevin Merrell at


There is also a big Auction to be held to support SARS which is TBA.


Kevin has a specific goal to support SARS as much as possible as he is a Search & Rescue survivor.


Kevin also thanked the 3 CDS members that attending the grooming meeting.


Please refer to the State Parks website for their minutes which show all the newly appointed people in charge.


Table Mountain will be open for limited riding due to the fire. There are still falling trees, meadows with dangerous pockets or even caves where the fire burned underground. There will be warning areas for at least 7-8yrs.


Florence Mohler asked to ask about having members pass out The “Snowmobile Program Funding 101” Pink flyers on 1/5/2012 at Salmon La Sac to promote snowmobile registration. The flyer explains in plain English how the $30.00 registration fee puts money in the dedicated account for the Snowmobile program and with the gas tax formula equates to approx. $60.00 per sled that goes towards Trail Grooming, Snow removal,Sanitation, Administration, Education, & Enforcement for the 2013/2014 winter season. We will pass around a sign up sheet in future meetings. Please consider participating.


Please refer to the Kittitas Grooming Council notes copied on the CDS website under “Club News” for more information


WSSA District 1 Representative Dick Elkins report: 

Reminded everyone that the WSSA Leadership Meeting in Cle Elum is on Saturday 11/17/2012. Club Presidents are encouraged to attend. 



WSSA Safety Commissioner Mick Steinman Report:


  1. AVY Class given by Milo Duff I-90 Motorsports this Saturday 4-8pm.  4 hrs AVY & sled safety. Jon Ferrian reported that he has attended class given by Milo Duff and was able to recognize a potential avalanche area in Cook City and as they were driving away from the hill it gave way. So luckily they were able to avert a potential life threatening incident with just one class. More info to be emailed/posted to calendar when received by Mick.


  1. Pierre’s Polaris Class being held in Kenmore this Friday. More info to be emailed/posted to calendar as received by Mick.


  1. Snowfest in Leavenworth11/17/2012. Dealerships out of Wenatchee will be there. Bill Yager added that the Bavarian Boondockers will have everything snow related there. Bill will also have a booth there.


  1. Mick will also be doing avalanche safety rides throughout the year.  He will announce as he knows.


  1. Mick has a BCA pack for sale call or email him if interested.


WSSA Representative Dick Elkins


Extended a Big Thank you for everyone who paid their WSSA Membership Dues this year.


Stressed the importance of, All Trails to Olympia Days” on 1/29/2013. If you have never attended you don’t know what your missing. It gives you an opportunity to talk with Legislators from your District and allows them to put a face to the sport. When they know there are people willing to take time off to talk with them it places a special importance on our issues.




New Business:


Tim Horton reminded everyone to think about Upcoming Board Members that will be needed. It’s a full election for President, Vice President, Treasurer, &Secretary.

New Year’s Eve Ride – Rebecca & Elwood Hunt are on vacation so Tim asked for any ideas. Glen Markovits offered information that the Sno-Jammers are doing a Fun Run at Fish Lake Airstrip. They will be staying overnight. Check website calendar later for details.


Tim Awarded H. Shane Briel the “President’s Award” for always driving from Olympia to the meetings & can be counted on to attend & participate in most all our events and especially for his work & coordinating our Wounded Warriors for the ride this year. Congratulations Shane!


Mike Collins passed out a flyer about a Christmas Shopping Party he is having on12/1/12 at his house at 7pm.


Brian Cook Thanked all those who signed up for the WW ride and invited them to attend the Board Meetings to start planning early.


Gary Harris offered his house to store items needed for EXPO 2013. He lives by the fairgrounds and is a convenient location.


50/50 Raffle  


Thank you Mike Collins for collecting $160.00 for the raffle.Kelly Hayes won $80.00.