The Curt Pearson Memorial Ride was originally intended to be part of the expected 2006 Sno-Rodeo. With the cancellation of the Sno-Rodeo, it left little time to acquire the necessary Forest Use permits, so it was decided to make this annual memorial event a “club & guests only event.
CDS had great fun with three rides leaving Easton:
#1 The “Creek Skippers Kid's” ride
#2 The “We Just Want to Play!! Riders”
#3 The “We Don't Stop Riders”
After coffee and cookies, 16 club members, 12 quests, and 5 kids selected their ride and rode from Easton over hill and dale, creeks and cricks, to Elkins cabin at "Tall Pines," where Beth Elkins was standing by to provide brownies, hot chocolate, apple cider and Snowman Soup...
Then back to Easton for chili, corn bread, hot dogs, sausage, plus all sorts of salads, cookies, pies, and snacks.
AND -- The winners were: ...
1st place - Linda Bowen for $95
2nd place - 6 year old Rueben Holly for $57
3rd place - David George for $38 and,
4th place - 9 year old Master Mark Huard $20
Congratulations to the winners!!
Many helped the ride’s Chair, Dick Elkins -- Thank you Mary Canan, Linda Bowen, Shirley Koger, Beth Elkins, DeAnn Reeves, Ken Bowen, Fred Wemer, and especially THANK YOU Denny the groomer!
2-25-06 Curt Pearson Memorial Ride