On Sunday Jan 15 Deann lead a ride with Darell, Chuck, Curtis and Fred from near old #3 along the CleEllum ridge. We tried to go down the 2004 poker run route but the snow was deep and the road not readable so after digging out several times we went down the trail from the prior week. We headed up toward Red Top by a different route but crossed our path from last week a couple of times. There was lots of new snow and we had to break trail near the top. Thankfully we had Curtis to lead when the trail got difficult. We didn't leave utill after noon because Deann had to get her lights fixed so we got to Mineral Springs after 5 pm. We had a nice dinner and rode the very bumpy groomed road home arriving after 8:30. I managed to lose my other Ski about a mile from home and came home with a screw driver for a bolt. We travelled 84 miles had an interesting trip and recorded it on two GPS.
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