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HomeNew Years Eve 07

December 31, 2007 ride report


Twelve riders left Elwood’s at 10:15am in sunshine with temperatures in the low 30s after working on Fred’s Dragon’s oil leak. Led by Elwood we went through Easton, the State Park and under the freeway. Then, after gassing sleds at the Turtle, led by Fred, we proceeded down the usual bumpy trail along the power line on the north side of I-90. At the usual spot where we leave the power line, Mike Collins was missing. He showed up a few minutes with a Bungi that Elwood claimed was his. Elwood said he was also missing a second Bungi. Three of us went back to look but were told by radio that it was found. It seems the track had eaten it.

Elwood told us to continue down the power line past where we were shot at on a ride a few years ago. After crossing to the other side of the ridge, the tracks ended the way we use to go. DeAnn led on un-traveled snow down to the new development where we decided to turn around. Going back we picked up tracks to the top of the ridge which ended at the top. Fred led across the ridge on un-traveled snow to the trail we usually cross the ridge on. We took the trail through Domerie Flats to the Dam, crossed the face, and went to look at the water crossing for a possible way to return. Several voted to go back the way we came.

Led by DeAnn we went on to Old Number 3, where we had lunch. DeAnn had her contractor pick up the parts to fix Fred’s oil leak and bring them to the Old Number 3. After lunch in an attempt to go another way home, we passed by DeAnn’s cabin. Then Fred led out onto the lake bed, across the Dam and took a trail that looped back to the road to Domerie Flats. About a third of the road was on fresh un-traveled snow. At the top of the ridge, Kelly took the lead to the overlook of greater downtown Easton and I-90. After turning around as the sun was setting, we proceeded along the ridge following old tracks over windblows, then back to the power line and back to Elwood’s at almost 6 pm with 48 miles on the odometer. We were met by several additional Snowmads and Drift Skippers. All had the typical discussions of the day over hors d’oeuvres while Fred, with the help of Ken and Elwood, installed his oil leak parts and the rest talked of where to go the next day. As reported by Fred, but led by the joint efforts of several capable leaders