Feb. 10, 2007 Roslyn ride report
As seen by Fred
Saturday 2-10-07 DeAnn led Chuck, Darrell, Ellwood, Fred, and Rebecca in
an exploratory attempted ride to Pats crossing from Roslyn. The weather was
over cast, and the light flat but visibility good. The temperature was in
the 40’s and the snow heavy and wet. The trail was rough but not uncomfortable.
We did a lot of cross country exploring and had multiple opportunities to
test our ability to get unstuck and turn sleds around. We
did make a ramp to cross a small creek. When we got to Pats crossing the
water was over three feet deep and flowing fast. We decided it was best to
not attempt the crossing. We returned to Roslyn almost seven hours later
in a loop with almost 27 miles on our sleds, tired and wet from working hard,
and with the worst sled mileage I have gotten this year. However, DeAnn provided
a delicious dinner of soup at her new unfinished cabin, and we relived the days events.
Elwood's comment on 'fuel burn'. Rebecca's Skidoo made the record for the day -- 6.3 gal for the 27 miles! Others were around 4 gal.