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Club News

January 2019 CDS Minutes

Published on 10/26/2018

Cascade Drift Skippers Meeting Minutes


January 9, 2019


Held at Rogue Ales & Spirits (Issaquah Brewhouse)

35 W Sunset Way, Issaquah, WA 98027

Dinner & Social Hour 5:30

Meeting 7:00pm


Board Members:

President:            Stephanie Sims Driskell 

Vice Pres.:           Carl Corn   

Treasurer:            Edythe Ferrian

Secretary:            Sheri Hyytinen

WSSA District 1 South Rep Tony Keys 

Welcome to Our New Members! 
Chris Sutton-Rides Polaris Axis, joined club to meet new people who know different areas to explore.
Cory Hughes-Rides Polaris Assault 

Reminder NWAC's BASC Avy Training youth day 1/13/2019. Also, there may be some openings left on 2/13/19. 

1/12/2019 NW Glacier Cruiser's TNT HWY 20 RIDE
1/26/2019 UKC Rotary Fun Run-Last Resort
2/05/2019 All Trails to Olympia
2/09/2019 Whistling Jacks Ride
2/15-2/18/2019 WSSA Winter Rendezvous Hills Resort Pries Lake ID
2/23/2019 Mount Baker Joint Club ride w/ NW Glacier Cruisers
TBD Wounded Warrior Ride
3/1-3/3/2019 Mount Baker Ladies Ride
3/30/2019 Lee & Shirley's Famous Steak Ride
4/10/2019 Annual Meeting & Board Elections
5/18/2019 Sno-Park Clean-up
6/01/2019 End of the Year Banquet

Grooming Report:

Due to Government shutdown grooming limited. Some grooming in Boulder Creek, Cooper, French cabin, Fish lake, and Blewett.

Ride reports: 
Bill Yager reported on rides to Crystal, Reload, French Cabin, Woods & Steele. Some really good riding & some bad.
Jon Ferrian reported on his Fab Ferrian with 18 people. He also lead a Ride Leader Ride to teach and encourage more people to feel supported to host more rides. See FB for more information. 
Tony Keys reported on riding Gallagher. Freshly groomed & hard crunchy on Hawkins Bowl.
Stephanie reported on an Epic time with Helene & Byron in McCall.
Kirk reported on ride to Revel stoke with Carl & Alex.

WSSA Updates by Tony Keys:

Tony encouraged everyone to come to the WSSA meetings. Next one scheduled at the Last Resort Saturday 1/12/2019. WSSA meetings are open to everyone and it gives you an opportunity to get involved in making our state a great place to ride and bring your fresh ideas. Nominations for officers close 1/15/2019. Our own Jon Ferrian has been nominated for VP. 

-WSSA Jan Snoflyer has been posted online.
-Reminder that WSSA Rendezvous is 2/15-2/18 in Priest Lake ID

NWAC updates by Jon:
NWAC will have a tent & Hot dog feed doing trail outreach & surveys at Crystal Springs with Mick Steinman.
Jon will be hosting CPR/First aid
Big Block Brewery & Snow Show coming up in Redmond
Don't forget to buy your Raffle tickets. Money goes to the Legal Action fund. Sled will be given away at the Rendezvous. 

Presentation by Tim Penelerick on Waterproof outerwear. 
Eye opening comparison between Motorfist eVent fabrics vs Gortex products.

What is GORE-TEX® fabric?

GORE-TEX is a household name since they created their first breathable waterproof in 1978, but you’d be forgiven for not knowing what it actually is. In technical terms, it’s a membrane with 9 million microscopic pores per square inch. Each pore is an unimaginable 20 thousand times smaller than a drop of water, but 700 times bigger than a moisture vapor molecule. In simple terms, this means water can’t get in, but heat can get out—making the jacket breathable. There is also a handy PU layer applied, which repels oil, grease, and dirt.

what is gore-tex waterproof material


What is eVent® fabric?

Like GORE-TEX® and other laminates, eVent is a waterproof membrane that consists of millions of pores to prevent water from entering. But in eVent® fabrics, there is no PU layer, and their patented Direct Venting™ technology enables sweat to escape through the fabric directly.

When you’re embarking on any kind of outdoor adventure (particularly in places where it rains more than half of the year), the first thing anyone says to you is “Make sure you get a good waterproof!” It sounds simple but what actually makes a waterproof “good”? Even heading to your local outdoor shop, you’re faced with a wall of waterproofs made from a range of waterproofing materials—so how do you know which is best? Does it come down to two main contenders – GORE-TEX Vs eVent, or something else entirely?

In this guide, we’ll explain the difference between these waterproofing materials and help you discover which is best for your outdoor needs. So buckle—or should I say—zip up!

what is event waterproof material

What is the difference?

The main difference between GORE-TEX Vs eVent waterproof and breathable properties is the makeup of the layers of fabric.

In GORE-TEX®, the PU layer is solid to prevent oil and dirt from entering, but this means that sweat has to be removed in two steps: first, the sweat modules adhere to the PU film and then they diffuse through the fabric slowly. This makes GORE-TEX® jackets warmer and slightly less breathable, but the PU layer means in-built protection from oil and other mucky substances. This makes GORE-TEX® durable and hardy.

In eVent®, the sweat is removed in just one step as there is no solid PU layer to contend with. This makes eVent® more breathable and quicker drying than GORE-TEX®. It also