Cascade Drift Skippers Club Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, 3/14/2018
Held at 6:00pm at the Issaquah Rogue Ales & Spirits (Issaquah Brewhouse)
Board Members:
President: Stephanie Sims Driskell
WSSA District
1 South Rep: Mike Potratz
The meeting was called to order. Stephanie welcomed everyone & asked if there was any new members. No new members tonight.
Stephanie presented Agenda & Reminders:
Avy Training:
3/17/2018 BASC
3/18/2018 BASC
Classes may be full but check website for other Educational Events at:
Ride Reminders:
3/31/2018 CDS Annual Lee & Shirley Steak Ride& Potluck:
Join us for a fun day on the snow. The club will provide the steaks, you provide the fun! Please register for the ride so we have a headcount when purchasing the steaks. It is recommended that you arrive to the snopark before 8am to get parking.
Fabulous Ferrian Rides are posted on Facebook and if they are not posted you can message Jon Ferrian because he goes out nearly every weekend somewhere for Family/Intermediate or Advanced Rides
Other Events:
3/24/2018 NWAC is planning a Snow Day at Stampede:
Details not yet on the NWAC website. Working on booths to be set up by various clubs and WSSA, Beacon rally planned, Sled Demos & more.
4/11/2018 Club Meeting Changed to 4/25/2018, Award nominations & Board Elections
4/28-5/4/18 Mick Steinman is leading an Awesome Whistler Ride.
5/19/2018 SnoPark Clean-Up
Please register for either the Gold Creek SnoPark or the Salmon La Sac SnoPark on the CDS Calendar at
6/16/2018 End of the Year Awards Banquet
(*Please note your calendars that this date has since been changed to 6/2/2018)
At the time of the meeting we did not have a location for the event. There were a few ideas but later we found out that reservations for large party areas were filling up fast while the board was literally texting out ideas. We got reservations in the nick of time at the Lake Sammamish State Park in Issaquah.
The following details have been emailed & are listed on the Calendar on :
CDS Award Banquet Pig Roast & Potluck:
This year we have reserved the Rotunda Day Use Picnic area at the Sammamish park and plan on smoking a Pig for the event. The Rotunda area is available from 9:30am and the Pig is expected to be ready for dinner around 3-4pm. Bring your favorite side dish to share at dinner and snacks for the day.
Fun Activities:
Boating, kayaking, hiking, biking, etc So bring all your boats, kayaks,& water toys for some Fun on the Beach!
2 Horseshoe Pits
2 Baseball/Softball fields
Wildlife/Bird watching
Rentals on the Beach see
If it's beautiful & sunny or even if it's overcast or a little chilly there is a fire pit in the shelter so bring your firewood & marshmallow's, too!
WSSA Report-Mike Portratz:
Membership is down from 1168 last year to 1090 paid members.
Reminder to everyone to be paid WSSA member as part of the CDS bylaws to belong to our club.
New WSSA Board:
President: Jim Kingman
Vice President: Dean Meakin
Past President: Sandy Sternod
Recording Secretary: Andrea Steinman
Treasurer: Fred Pitzer
Membership Secretaries: Wayne & Florence Mohler
Publicity Secretary: Matt Mead
2018 WSSA AWARD WINNERS ANNOUNCED(Feb '18) - The annual award winners were announced at Winter Rendezvous in Omak over Presidents' Day weekend. Congratulations to the following individuals and groups:
-Snowmobiler of the Year - Mike and Liz Van Amburg
-Snowmobile Club President of the Year - Tom Shields (Northwest Glacier Cruisers)
-Snowmobile Club of the Year - Northwest Glacier Cruisers
-Groomer of the Year - Ron Lind, R & R Grooming, Central Cascades
*Mike reported on HB 2975, bill regarding snowbikes being able to registered as snowmobiles.
Stephanie reported that the Beacon Checking stations expired and are pending approval for 2018-2019 for 1-5 year term instead of yearly.
Mick thanked Sharon Portratz for her assistance on helping with paperwork required to get permits for the warming hut. He has notebook to review the plans to have placed at the Lions Rock location close to vaulted outhouses for permit purposes.
Grooming Report:
Kay Lloyd’s & Wayne Mohler’s email information 4/5/2018
To All: Here’s a quick update on some upcoming activities and status of the sawyer certification training.
- There is a public meeting on the proposed Teanaway Community Forest Recreation plan next Thursday, April 12, 2018. It is from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm (meet and greet begins at 6 pm) at the Putnam Centennial Center, 719 East Third St, Cle Elum 98922.There will be a 45 minute presentation on the draft plan followed by the opportunity for community input at 7 listening posts on various aspects of the plan.
- At the March KCGC meeting it was indicated that Jennifer Hackett, Washington Hometown, is seeking input on the updated snowmobile recreation map. The website is She is seeking your help on the identification and naming of routes, pictures, etc. Following is her request:
I have finally finished the process of converting the winter trails data from the Sno-Park system into something that can be managed through my recreation project and have created a snowmobile specific map with Sno-Parks, snowmobile accessible trails, snowmobile accessible huts, and a layer of snowmobile associated businesses. As part of this effort, I had to identify and then name snowmobile routes - using the data in the sno-park layer and names from the underlying roads. My goal was to give each piece that might constitute an independent section of a ride a unique name that would make sense. I had hoped to work with state parks and the groomer council to do this, but finally realized that the only way it would get done is if I created a first draft and then asked for input. I am now hoping to reach out to the snowmobiling community, both groomers and users, to help me improve this information. I will coordinate any proposed changes with the WA State Parks Winter Recreation program to ensure they have access to the most accurate information (and to make sure that I don't end up introducing errors - routes that are being used but are not official.)
I am hoping to get input on:
- Routes: Are there any errors in the routes as shown on the maps, are there any missing segments. (Both Nick and Nature Conservancy have identified errors in snowmobile routes in Upper Kittitas County. I am assuming there must be problems in other areas as well.)
- Names: These represent my first stab at coming up with a naming system, I would welcome input. The goal is to have meaningful names that everyone agrees on so it is easier to talk about trails. If a club or groomer wants to looking at the names, I would be happy to provide print maps that have each route in their area labeled so it is easier to see what names have been assigned.
- Other information: What other information would be useful to snowmobilers and, if it is location based (e.g. a popular view point, location for a sanitary facility, problem area) I would also need the coordinates.
- Pictures: I would love to get pictures of the sno-parks and trails that I can use in the pop-up boxes.
- Question about avalanche danger: I could put a layer on the maps that shows steep slopes (maybe yellow for > 20 degrees, orange >25 and red >30). I am thinking that this might contribute to safety (allowing snowmobilers to be more aware of potential dangers above them), particularly when avalanche danger is unusually high (even though it is not officially at the highest rate right now, as I am sure you are aware there have been quite a few fatalities in the last few weeks.) I am not sure if this would be useful but, if it would, it is very easy to do.
Any thoughts you might have one the best way to get word of the maps out and solicit input would be greatly appreciated.
You can find the snowmobile maps at: or (for a direct link to the map)
If anyone wants to use these maps then can link to the full map, or can zoom to a specific area and send a link showing just that area. The maps can also be embedded directly on a website (full or default to selected area) so that they appear as a frame within the site
The old winter recreation map will be converted to a non-motorized winter recreation map sometime in the next week. As with the snowmobile trails, I have assigned/standardized names and, for the non-motorized, have also added in most of the non Sno-Park trail systems.
- Sawyer Instructor Certification Training update: At the March 17 WSSA meeting, the board voted to proceed with the development and submittal of a proposal to USFS to start a state-wide sawyer certification program. Bill and Shelly Miller have volunteered to serve as the WSSA coordinators for the sawyer certification program. There is an opportunity to get some WSSA members certified as sawyer instructors this spring. The BCHW will be conducting the training in the Naches RD, at Bumping Lake in mid-May. Anyone interested in becoming certified as a Sawyer Instructor should contact Bill Miller. WSSA will pay the BCHW dues, so those individuals can attend this training.
- Sawyer Certification: Although the WSSA Sawyer Certification program will not be up and running this year, we do have an opportunity to get several people certified this spring/summer. The BCHW has offered to host a training session for 16-20 people. Carl Corn was previously coordinating this effort and had tentatively identified June 9 as a potential date for this training and was considering having it at The Last Resort. Since Carl is not available to put this together, a volunteer is needed to pick this up and finalize arrangements. Carl was working with Tom Mix, BCHW, (360) 582-0460, email . I have a list of 21 people who have indicated an interest in the training. Carl had received a reply from two people (Bill Yager and Mike Potratz). If anyone is interested in following through with setting this training up, please let me know right away. Everyone who signed up needs to be contacted again with the details, such as the need for having first aid/CPR training before they will receive their sawyer certificate.
- and a final reminder – Sno-Park Cleanup is scheduled for May 19.
That’s it for now. Hope everyone is enjoying the late season snow!!!
Grooming & Safety Info:
*Reminder to all Crystal Springs has a Speed limit for snowmobilers & there are radar detectors being used.
*3/26/2018 Manastash Grooming ends.
*There are 5000 less sled registrations this year.
*2018 has been the worse year in 20 years for Avalanche danger & deaths.
*There is a Grooming Coordinator position open
Ride Reports:
Sharon & Mike Portratz reported on their ride at Government Meadows. It was beautiful and snow was good.
Bob Posey reported on WJL ride with Bob Seeley, & Lee Koger, Ken/Linda, Sheri/Mike, & John/Lisa went on an overnighter. The ride had some great snow and some sparse areas but All fun. Bob reported that there were some famous Wood juggling dancing and a whole lot of Fun involved.
Mick Steinman offered a ride at Whistler between 4/28-5/4/18 call if interested.
Stephanie Driskell reported their ride at Gold Creek was a Blue Bird Day!
50/50 Raffle money of approx. $200.00. A Big Thank You to Sharon Portratz winner who donated the moneys back to be distributed to the Avy victims families. Jason Holmes donated on behalf of the Backcountry Ascenders matched the $200.00 making the total $400.00. $50.00 donations were made to each of the avalanche victim’s families:
In memory of:
Joe Simenstad, 32
James Larsen, 41
Zach Roundtree, 27
Luke Rohde, 27
Some of which were our clubs friends & neighbors. May they ride in Peace.
Avy Awareness & Safety:
There have been 7 Fatalities which is the highest in 20yrs. This is before the end of the season.
4 snowmobilers
2 Snowshoers
1 skier
Very important to check before you go!
Gear up, have a minimum of transceiver, shovel, radio, and probe. Make sure the people you are riding with are equipped and have avy training. Make good decisions, watch terrain. BE AWARE!
Presentation-Mike Duffy’s Avalanche Safety Video.
**Don't forget to Check out & continue your AVY education on Chris' Backcountry Ascender Internationally acclaimed interactive program**
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