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October minutes
MIke and Sheri

Cascade Drift Skippers Snowmobile Club
CDS Minutes: Wednesday, 10/12/2011
Held at 6:00pm at the Issaquah Elks, 765, Issaquah, WA
Membership & Budget Meeting

Meeting called to order by President, Tim Horton
Present at meeting:
Vice President: Brian Cook
Past President: Pete Beaupain
Treasure: Trina Martin
Secretary: Sheri Hyytinen

Vice President Brian Cook:
Brian introduced Bill Bagley from Kirkland. Bill rides an 800 Polaris 2002. Please give Bill a warm welcome as the newest CDS member. Brian reported that we have 68 members paid up so far.

Treasurer Trina Martin:
Budget will ready for the November meeting.

WSSA District 1 Representative Dick Elkins report:
-Dick awarded Tim w/ a Snoopy pin for getting a CDS report posted on the Snoflyer Sept. & Oct.
-Dick brought Upper Kittitas County Snowmobiling resource guide w/ the new sno-park permit information.
Trail Grooming updates:
Avalanche hotline: 206-526-6677
Mountain Pass report: dial 5-1-1
-Trailer Raffle tickets available.

WSSA Safety Report by Mick Steinman

Avalanche Classes:
11/2/2011 Skidoo is sponsoring a free class from 6:30-10:30 at Enumclaw Powersports, 408 Roosevelt Ave., Enumclaw, WA 98022

Linda Bowen reported that Snowest published a list of the “10 Essentials” provided by CDS. She also volunteered to do the 50/50 raffle money to be used at end of year members to vote on how spent.
Kittitas County Groomer’s Report by Rebecca Hunt:
Kay is in Mexico so our Miss Rebecca agreed to do the Groomer’s report. Rebecca took minutes of the meeting and passed out copies.
Summary of Minutes:
Attendees: Howard Briggs ( 20 year anniversary as Chair), John Storch, Richard Lowe, Dan Johnson (Beelers), & Rebecca Hunt for Kay Lloyd.
-Representative Hinkle will not be running for office this year although Howard has talked w/ Matt Manweller from Ellensburg who is a candidate. Constituents may consider him.
-The cause of Washington State have 7000 unregistered is the loss of $60.00 per sled for grooming, snow parks, plowing etc.
-Tim Foss, Forest Service reported that 19% of FS grooming funds have been cut across the board. The tentative grooming schedule is as follows: Manashtash SnoPark was washed out and hopefully will fill in w/ snow but unsure if will be able to open more info later. Walter Springs will not be groomed as it is too narrow. 3120 RD should be ok to fill in w/ snow. Peoh Pt Rd & Woods & Steele may be too narrow to groom. Barbara Springs Rd will not be groomed. FS 54 Rd still pending info. It is possible to have clubs fund grooming Tim will look into how this is done. FS contacts Judy Halisee (509)852-1020. State Parks, Core Supervisor, Becky Heath (509) 664-9323.
-Pam & Wayne reported on WSSA Snow Show & Expo. Brochures on Discovery Passes available showing required for DNR Snoparks. Passes are good for vehicle plus snowmobile. Tickets will be issued for unregistered snowmobiles with fines greater than registration cost. Please refer to State Parks Web site for more information.
-Discussion with groomers on their funding being cut and that unless donations are received the grooming season will have to be 20% shorter. More money from WSSA Expo was discussed however part of the problem is that out of 31,000 sleds only 15,000 are registered with WSSA.
-Removal of fuel cap- Blue Ribbon Committee formed. Transportation package should be ready 12/31. Referendum vote next November.
Next groomer meeting scheduled 11/14/2011. Thank you Rebecca?
Boulder Creek/Salmon la Sac brushing issue:
Wayne Mohler asked Lee to remind the club that we are sponsors for the Boulder Creek grooming area and they are in need of gas money for brushing. Tim & Don have donated their time & equipment and spent $2000.00 of their own money last year. This year they are asking for help in the amount of $1200.00.
Tim opened discussion on contributing $1200.00 to Boulder Creek, Mick offered to put in $200.00 to match this money as he did for Tony’s brushing project. Many club members offered their suggestions & advise. Budget not passed yet. Vote passed to pay $1000.00 to Boulder Creek.

Vote passed to have grooming shortened at the end of the season rather than at the beginning.

New Business:

Tim had some exciting new changes that he presented as follows:

-Announced that he will be starting something new, “The Rusty Ski Award” to be given to one member every meeting based on any silly snafoo on or off the snow. So come to the next meeting prepared to tell a Great Story!

-Announced that John Budig has been appointed as Web Master. So please send all your scheduled events & rides, ride stories & pictures to John at or mail CD’s to 14307 283rd Pl NE, Duval WA 98019 phn#425-765-5578.

-He will have Organized Ride Forums which will involve having a sign up system which will require Ride Leaders to determine:
a. Type of ride
b. Time, date & place to meet and go over ride rules, radio channels, etc.
c. Number of riders
d. Designate sweeps

Shirley presented info. on Expo:

a. Club Booth Sign up sheet passed around
b. WSSA Sno Show Expo fund raiser scheduled by Trina Martin (BIG THANK YOU!)
c. Anticipated amount to be raised by WSSA volunteers $1800.00
d. Tim asked if anyone is able to provide a flat screen for the Expo.
e. Rebecca reported that she has Fire Starter give away forms for Expo. Mike reported that he has a bag of Fire Starters in garage.
f. Linda graciously invited everyone to her house after the Expo on Saturday to her house. Last year we had a Great time. Everyone brought $5.00 & we ordered Teriyaki.

Old Business:
Mick reported on the Banquet at the Ciarcia’s:
Brian arranged for Sumo Wrestling,
Egg challenge, & 3-legged race. He even wore a referee shirt & had a whistle to keep the events under control. The Sumo Wrestling was the main event & we had several matches. There are great pictures on the Web site that we ran during dinner. Fun times!

Tim reported on Don Wilkerson’s Memorial. Carl did a very nice job organizing this get together of family & friends. He also created a touching biography video that he presented & also made available on u-tube. Carl also brought CDS T-shirts, pins, & sweatshirts that Don had in his possession & donated them back to anyone who wanted them.

Dick Elkins added comments that after budget is passed we may want to consider contributing to the Political Action Committee Lobbyists as they are very instrumental in keeping our congressman aware of our needs.

Fred requested that the budget be posted on email before meeting for review.

Results of 50/50 Bill Johnson won $59.00.

Linda reminded everyone about the WSSA Winter Rendezvous in Walla Walla. We may want to discuss putting a ride together to Joseph afterward the Rendezvous.
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